750 ml
E.H. Taylor Straight Rye
$299.99you save $100.04
Colonel E.H. Taylor Straight Rye Whiskey
Indulge in the rich heritage of American whiskey with Colonel E.H. Taylor Straight Rye Whiskey. This exquisite spirit is a testament to the timeless legacy of Colonel Edmund Haynes Taylor, Jr., a pioneer in the Bottled-in-Bond Act, ensuring the highest quality and integrity in every bottle.
Product Details:
- Country: United States
- State: Kentucky
- Brand: Colonel E.H. Taylor
- Spirits Type: Whiskey
- Spirits Style: Rye
- Taste: A harmonious blend of bold rye spiciness, undertones of vanilla and caramel, with a hint of citrus zest.
- Food Pairings: Complements a variety of dishes, from savory smoked meats to rich, creamy desserts.