750 ml
Elijah Craig Small Batch Kentucky Bourbon
$29.99you save $8.04
Elijah Craig Small Batch Bourbon
Indulge in the rich and smooth flavors of Elijah Craig Small Batch Bourbon. This 750ml bottle contains a carefully crafted blend of exceptional ingredients, resulting in a truly premium bourbon. Enjoy the delicious notes of caramel, oak, and spice in every sip. Perfect for savoring on its own or mixed into your favorite cocktail.
Product Details:
- Country: United States
- State: Kentucky
- Brand: Elijah Craig
- Spirits Type: Small Batch Bourbon
- Spirits Style: Pure sweetness, honey, marzipan, and wildflower notes. The sweet drive is nicely backed with drying oak on the pronounced finish.
- Taste: Nutty, caramel, cold brew coffee, chocolate, and citrus. Roasted oak, cinnamon, clove, and chocolate provide rich darkness.
- Food Pairings: Enjoy with grilled meats or charcuterie.