750 ml
Tequila 818 Blanco
$49.99you save $10.00
818 Blanco Tequila
Experience the exquisite craftsmanship of 818 Blanco Tequila, a premium spirit distilled in the heart of Jalisco. Each bottle captures the essence of both highland and lowland agave, offering a tequila that is as versatile as it is delightful. Savor the brilliance of 818 in every sip.
Product Details:
- Country: Mexico
- State: Jalisco
- Brand: 818
- Spirits Type: Tequila
- Spirits Style: Blanco/Silver
- ABV: 40%
- Taste: A harmonious blend of citrus zest and a subtle hint of minerality, culminating in a smooth finish that resonates with purity.
- Food Pairings: Complements a variety of dishes, from traditional Mexican cuisine to contemporary fusion, enhancing flavors with its crisp clarity.