750 ml

George Remus Straight Bourbon Whiskey


George Remus Straight Bourbon Whiskey

Embark on a journey back to the Roaring '20s with George Remus Straight Bourbon Whiskey. This 750ML bottle offers a taste of history, inspired by the finest bourbons of the Prohibition era and crafted with the rebellious spirit of its namesake bootlegger.

Product Details:

  • Country: United States
  • State: Indiana
  • Brand: George Remus
  • Spirits Type: Bourbon
  • Spirits Style: Straight Bourbon
  • Taste: A rich tapestry of vanilla and maple, with a sweet-yet-characteristic rye flavor that unfolds into a smooth, long finish1.
  • Food Pairings: Complements a wide range of dishes, from a classic steak dinner to a decadent chocolate dessert, or serves as a robust base for creative cocktails.