750 ml
Noah's Mill Bourbon
$74.99you save $10.04
Noah's Mill Bourbon
Indulge in the rich heritage and masterful craftsmanship of Noah’s Mill Bourbon, a premium spirit that embodies the essence of Kentucky’s distilling legacy. This small-batch bourbon is a testament to the meticulous attention to detail and dedication to quality that has defined the Willett Distillery since its inception.
Product Details:
- Country: United States
- State: Kentucky
- Brand: Noah’s Mill
- Spirits Type: Bourbon
- Spirits Style: Straight Bourbon
- Taste: A robust profile of warm bronze hues, nutty aromas, and a velvety blend of brown sugar sweetness with earthy undertones.
- Food Pairings: Complements a gourmet charcuterie board, dark chocolate desserts, or a classic steak dinner.