750 ml
Old Forester Single Barrel Rye Barrel Strength Whiskey
$249.99you save $90.04
Old Forester Single Barrel Rye Barrel Strength
Indulge in the robust character of Old Forester Single Barrel Rye Barrel Strength, a premium whiskey hailing from the historic distilleries of Kentucky. Each 750ML bottle captures the essence of artisanal distillation, offering a taste experience that is both complex and satisfying. With its dessert-forward aroma and a palate brimming with creamy vanilla, lemon custard, and dark brown sugar, this barrel strength spirit is a testament to Old Forester’s legacy of excellence. Perfect for savoring neat or as the cornerstone of a luxurious cocktail, it’s a choice selection for connoisseurs seeking unparalleled quality and depth.
Product Details:
- Country: United States
- State: Kentucky
- Brand: Old Forester
- Spirits Type: Whiskey
- Spirits Style: Rye, Barrel Strength
- Taste: A symphony of full-bodied flavors, featuring ripe orchard fruit, subtle cinnamon, dried dill, and a hint of hazelnut.
- Food Pairings: Complements rich desserts, grilled meats, and hearty stews.