750 ml
Tanqueray Sevilla Orange Gin
$24.99you save $3.00
Tanqueray Sevilla Orange Flavored Gin
Indulge in the refreshing taste of Tanqueray Sevilla Orange Flavored Gin. Made with a blend of natural Sevilla orange essence and Tanqueray's signature botanicals, this 750ML bottle delivers a smooth and zesty flavor. Perfect for mixing in cocktails or enjoying on its own, it's a must-have addition to any home bar. Cheers to a delicious and unique gin experience.
Product Details:
- Country: United Kingdom
- State: Not specified
- Brand: Tanqueray
- Spirits Type: Vodka
- Spirits Style: Smooth and balanced
- Taste: Produced from fine wheat spirit, Tanqueray Sterling Vodka is redistilled in an old-fashioned copper pot still, resulting in a smooth, balanced body with a clean finish.
- Food Pairings: Enjoy it straight up, with your favorite mixer, or in signature cocktails.