750 ml
Wyoming Whiskey 10 Years Anniversary Edition Straight Bourbon Whiskey (Limit 1)
Wyoming Whiskey 10 Years Anniversary Edition Straight Bourbon Whiskey
Wyoming Whiskey 10 Year Anniversary Bourbon is a collaboration between original Master Distiller, Steve Nally, and Master Blender, Nancy Fraley, who hand-selected 10 barrels for this special batch. The result is a balanced and rich bourbon that showcases the best of Wyoming Whiskey’s heritage and craftsmanship.
Product Details:
- Country: United States
- State: Wyoming
- Brand: Wyoming Whiskey
- Spirits Type: Whiskey
- Spirits Style: Bourbon
- ABV: 52.5%
- Taste: Smooth, rich, complex, with notes of caramel, vanilla, oak, spice, and smoke.