750 ml
Yamazaki Distiller's Reserve Single Malt Japanese Whisky
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Yamazaki Distiller's Reserve Single Malt Japanese Whisky
Yamazaki Distiller’s Reserve is a premium single malt whisky from Japan. It is made by Suntory, the oldest and most respected whisky producer in Japan. Yamazaki Distiller’s Reserve is aged in a variety of casks, including Bordeaux wine, Sherry, and Mizunara oak, which give it a complex and fruity flavor profile. It is a smooth and elegant whisky that showcases the craftsmanship and innovation of Japanese whisky making.
Product Details:
- Country: Japan
- State: Osaka
- Brand: Yamazaki
- Spirits Type: Whisky
- Spirits Style: Single Malt
- ABV: 43%
- Taste: Red berries, white peach, coconut, vanilla, cinnamon.